Saturday, June 14, 2014

My First Book Launch Event

After a dozen minor tweaks and grammatical fixes, I finally felt ready to have a book launch event for my debut novel, Secret of Omordion. Sure, it has been a mere 7 months since my book was published, but hey, better late than never? *sigh. Nevertheless, my book launch event was underway so I had lots to do to prepare.

I found myself focusing more on the decorations, booking the venue, and what I'm going to say when the time came to speak--than the actual inviting. What is an event without people right? Right. So in a last ditch effort, I scrambled to invite as many people as possible hoping beyond all hope that I will get a good turnout despite the last minute invites on the start of Memorial Day weekend. Not. Good.

So, after rolling up in a fetal position in the corner crying (not literally) I went to the event with my head held high and was pleasantly surprised that a lot of people came, despite the last minute invites, to show their love and support which put a huge smile on my face.

All of the nervousness and perspiration I had been feeling all day instantly washed away as I signed book after book, writing personalized messages on each one as my readers and supporters patiently waited.

Excitedly I made my much anticipated and rehearsed speech and read an excerpt from Secret of Omordion, laughing when my 3 month old niece so wonderfully interrupted me with a speech of her own, and set the book down to a chorus of applause. Music to my ears :) And then we had cake!

Overall, it was an amazing experience. The support I received was overwhelming. Especially from the people who came at the last minute. I definitely know how to do things a little better next time (like getting the word out way, way, way in advance ;))

Best wishes with your first book launch event!!

Take care,

Nande Orcel is the debut Author of Secret of Omordion: Book One of the Omordion Trilogy. Learn more about her and her epic fantasy novel at and follow her on Twitter @nande_orcel.

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